Madonna has shown no sign of slowing down - despite turning 50 later this year.
The popstar accused society of being "ageist and sexist" in an interview with Hello magazine, insisting she has never been one to conform and will continue to juggle motherhood with her career.
Madonna said: "Not only does society suffer from racism and sexism, it also suffers from ageism."Once you reach a certain age you're not allowed to be adventurous, you're not allowed to be sexual."
"I mean, is there a rule? Are you supposed to just die? I've never been a conformist."
The popstar accused society of being "ageist and sexist" in an interview with Hello magazine, insisting she has never been one to conform and will continue to juggle motherhood with her career.
Madonna, pictured here with her adopted Malawian son David Banda, shows no sign of slowing down despite turning 50 later this year
Madonna said: "Not only does society suffer from racism and sexism, it also suffers from ageism.
"The Material Girl also admitted to being a control freak prone to explosive tantrums but claimed her temper has improved over recent years as she has given way to her emotional side, revealing she often likes a good cry.
"What artist isn't a control freak?
"I used to go to the recording studio and explode. I don't explode in that way now but I have a dynamic personality.
"I'm a big cry baby - I actually cry all the time."
The pop star takes daughter Lourdes with her on trips to Africa, where the 11-year-old does voluntary work at an orphanage
Despite facing a storm of controversy over the adoption of two-year-old Malawaian son David Banda, Madonna claims she had his father's blessing, also revealing daughter 11-year-old Lourdes often accompanies her to Africa to do voluntary work in the orphanage where David was found.
She said: "David's father was very grateful that I was going to give his son a life and that had he kept his son with him in the village he would have buried him.
"I really didn't need any more conformation that I was doing the right thing and I had his blessing.
"Lourdes comes with me to do volunteer work in the orphanage, I know I can trust her to put on her mosquito spray."
While her new movie I Am Because We Are received a warm welcome in Cannes, Madonna has uncharacteristically shied away from promoting the film in Britain.
The 90-minute film about Malawian children was to be screened at the Glastonbury Festival this month, but the singer has pulled out.
‘Madonna hoped the film could be shown on the Saturday and there was talk of a question and answer session,’ says a source.
‘But poor ticket sales for the festival put her off. After talks with organisers it was decided the festival was not the right venue to showcase the film.’